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Orchestrating Efficient Remote Production Workflows


事实证明,远程生产工作流程和业务模式对于确保大流行期间的服务连续性至关重要. 但它们为制作和媒体公司带来的巨大成本降低,使它们在业内获得了永久的地位. 它们的部署和操作成本更低,同时也更具可持续性, particularly for live events, 也可以用于视频点播.

第24届冬季奥林匹克运动会就是一个例子,说明远程制作已经发生了巨大的变化. 一些广播公司现场工作人员的数量还不到前几届赛事的一半. 内容在现场捕获,并发送回总部进行“近现场”编辑,只有几秒钟的延迟, allowing most of the editors and journalists to work at the company’s base facility.

考虑到媒体和电信公司在体育和娱乐赛事转播权上的激烈竞争, it’s clear that live events help brands differentiate and grow revenue. 直播内容成功货币化的部分原因是将其迅速转化为引人注目的视频点播包. 因为从收益最大化的角度来看,很多内容的保质期相对较短, 衍生内容的创造速度也是成功的关键因素.


通过支持集中式和敏捷的生产团队,新的IP技术已经成为实现向远程生产工作流程过渡的关键. 大, 昂贵的, mobile production vehicles with their crew and equipment won’t disappear, but the model is changing. No longer does every event require a full complement of operators and infrastructure. An IP-based remote production system requires far less on-site hardware. 现在现场场地需要的大部分设备主要负责将流发送回中央制作工作室. This represents a significant reduction in capital expenses.

Couple that with the savings realized by having fewer staff members on-site, and we see the business shift that was driving the evolution pre-pandemic. 远程制作现在使广播公司能够迁移媒体工作流程,而不是昂贵的, inflexible hardware solutions to an agile, pay-as-you-go model that other technology sectors have long benefited from.

Reliable Internet Delivery

发送大, camera-original, media files over the internet in real time once held back IP-based remote workflows. 管理传输网络已经克服了公共互联网协议的限制,可靠性很高,并行冗余路径确保了性能和可靠性. 像SRT(安全可靠传输)和RIST(可靠互联网流传输)这样的开源协议和其他专有解决方案现在都可以持续实时交付, broadcast-quality video to any location in the world with low latency. 然而, 要成功编排远程生产,需要的远不止可靠的传输流.

Remote, Automated Ingest & 捕获

对于现场活动, sophisticated devices can be deployed on-site that capture full resolution, 编辑所需的任何格式的高质量媒体,同时创建低分辨率, highly compressed proxy versions if desired. 对于现场活动 that will be re-purposed for catch-up TV or highlights programs, files must be created in the correct format for editing and postproduction.

这些文件通常被传输到共享云存储桶或本地存储中,编辑人员可以在记录这些文件的同时立即访问这些文件. 不断增长的文件的实时传输使远程编辑即使在活动正在进行时也能参与创作过程,并使他们在直播内容方面领先一步,这些内容将进一步以视频点播的形式货币化.

For captured media that is significantly different from the eventual playout format, such as 50Hz material that must be converted to 29.97/59.94Hz, 根据工作流程的不同,可能需要在云中或本地进行额外的计算密集型处理. Since it is more efficient to process media w在这里 it resides, 支持云和本地处理的智能混合工作流可实现价值最大化. And as more media flows through the cloud, 近乎无限的计算能力甚至可以支持最密集的处理任务, such as frame rate and HDR/SDR conversions. 自动化所有这些版本的创建,并确保编辑器可以立即使用和链接它们,对于任何远程制作的成功都是至关重要的. It also enables consistent processes, storage locations and naming conventions, and reduces or eliminates human error.

Remote Quality Monitoring and Verification

依赖于通过公共互联网传输的媒体的远程生产工作流可能对传输的内容可能出现的问题视而不见. This is true for both live media over an ST 2110 network and for file-based media. Unlike traditional signal paths, SRT, RIST和其他技术密切关注传输流的健康状况,但不能辨别被传输的实际介质的质量. 有许多异常,即使是一个熟练的人看着监视器墙或多观察者可能会错过, such as swapped secondary audio channels. It’s paramount that the media quality within the stream is monitored along the path.

确保质量的一个强大方法是通过“异常监控”,其中软件的任务是验证流内容, 时间的正确性, and network health – continuously and automatically. 再加上深入的诊断仪器,如现代波形监视器/网络分析仪, issues can be identified and quickly resolved. 进一步, in terms of file quality, 当媒体存储在远程存储库中时,可视化检查大文件的能力可能是一个挑战. 能够播放这样的文件并可视地检查它们的质量或遵从性问题是远程工作时要考虑的另一个问题.

Remote production over IP has proven its value, reliability, and quality. 顶级广播公司已经利用这些技术和技巧成功地转播了地球上一些最大型的赛事. T在这里 are many moving parts to orchestrate, but now that the path is established, more productions stand to benefit from reduced costs, streamlined workflows and enhanced sustainability.

Learn more about capture and orchestration 在这里 and IP video monitoring 在这里.


Telestream®专注于产品,使其有可能获得视频内容给任何观众,无论它是如何创建的, 分布式, 或查看. Throughout the entire digital media lifecycle, from capture to viewing, for consumers through high-end professionals, Telestream产品范围从桌面组件和跨平台应用程序到全自动, enterprise-class digital media transcoding and workflow systems. Telestream使用户能够在广泛的商业环境中利用其视频内容的价值. Telestream的客户包括世界领先的媒体和娱乐公司:内容所有者, 创造者, 和经销商. 除了, 越来越多的公司提供和服务更大的市场,如广告公司, 公司, 医疗服务提供者, government and educational facilities, as well as video prosumers and consumers, are turning to Telestream to simplify the access, 创建, and exchange of digital media. Founded in 1998, Telestream corporate headquarters are located in Nevada City. The company is privately held.

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