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几乎活在NAB: Clearleap说美国.S. OTT服务的发展


[注:本次赞助访谈在NAB 2015录制.]

While direct-to-consumer over-the-top (OTT) offerings have sprouted in the U.S. 在过去的几年里,许多地区都在进一步发展OTT. Areas with less pay TV penetration see more success with OTT, said Braxton Jarratt, CEO of Clearleap他在2015年NAB会议上接受了采访.

“有趣的是,几乎所有其他国家都领先于美国.S.这里的大多数人不知道这一点,”贾拉特说. “付费电视在美国的渗透率.S. 是世界上最高的吗, but I think that's what kept programmers from going direct-to-consumer because A) there's leverage that the operators have but B) there's a smaller addressable market if 80 percent of the population is pay TV."


“如果你看看北欧地区, HBO在一年前就直接面向消费者了吗, 付费电视的普及率为50%或更低, so that addressable market for OTT is huge as a percentage of the total population,Jarratt解释道. “如果你是内容所有者, 你必须做OTT, 否则, 你错过了一大批消费者. 我认为北欧可能是最先进的国家之一. 一些GDP高的亚洲市场, 高宽带普及率, 付费电视普及率相对较低, 你会比我们在美国看到的要早一两年.S., and what I find interesting is they're coexisting with the existing business models."



埃里克:   Hi, 我是Eric Schumacher-Rasmussen, editor of 流媒体杂志 here at NAB 2015 with Braxton Jarratt who is the CEO of Clearleap. 嘿Braxton.

Braxton:        嘿,你好吗?

埃里克:   很好,谢谢你参加我们的节目. Clearleap is a company that helps video publishers and entertainment content owners with their multiscreen solutions. 目前的客户包括A&E网络、HBO和Scriptz等. 说到HBO, 2015年似乎真的是直接面向消费者的一年, 正确的, HBO 现在, HBO Go, 吊索的电视. Clearleap如何符合这个等式? How is Clearleap helping publishers with their direct to consumer offerings?

Braxton:        好吧, we started about 6 years ago with the hope that all this would happen, and you see today on the floor where direct to consumer and even TV authenticated, 你知道, 服务成为真正的主流, and so we started building core software that made it really easy to take your content in whatever form you have it, 通常是一些高分辨率的夹层文件, 然后快速完成所有你需要做的事情, 有效地, 使用互联网技术, 云, 为了让所有的内容都能在网上发布. Then we built the systems that enable content owners and brands to essentially manage a really highly scalable service direct to the consumer that allows them to pay directly with a credit card, do authenticated services or have a free to air service because frankly there's going to be a combination of all those things going forward with all the different business models that we're seeing.

埃里克:   正确的, 说到其他商业模式, 有很多关于掐线者和从不掐线者的文章. What impact are services like HBO 现在 and 吊索的电视 going to have on the cable companies and the pay TV companies from your perspective?

Braxton:        嗯,这是一个非常重要的问题.

埃里克:   正确的.

Braxton:        可能是十亿美元的问题. That's what everybody's talking about now, looking really hard at the idea. The premise HBO 现在 being that they're going after that market segment that wouldn't 否则 subscribe to cable. 这就是他们对合作伙伴的定位, but I think everybody knows there's some segment of the population that that would be the tipping point that says, “你知道吗?, 正因为如此,我准备割断脐带." So I think there is no debate whether it's going to have an effect, it's just how big is that effect going to be and does the benefit to the programmer outweigh the risk of alienating that operator? 但我认为,你知道,这已经发生了. 这是会发生的. 尤其是放眼全球, 这类服务无处不在, 无处不在的, and so I think that's our future is a combination of direct TV plus coexisting with the existing business models.

埃里克:   你知道, if HBO 现在 was always looked at as one of those tipping points that might convince people, “好吧, 我可以取消我的付费电视订阅.“另一个必须是体育,特别是现场体育,对吧? 这是传统的智慧, 你知道, once there's a critical mass of live sports available over these kinds of services, 这可能真的是, 如果不是电报的死亡笔记, 这可能会严重影响订阅用户.

Braxton:        正确的.

埃里克:   Do you see more and more live sports coming to these kinds of direct to consumer services?

Braxton:        绝对. We've seen examples with NFL mobile doing direct to consumer on a mobile device to where they carved out specific 正确的s to be able to do that while still selling the multibillion dollar, DirecTV和大型赛事网络的数十年版权. I think what we'll see is more and more of the biggest brands who really need the cable pay TV dollars to pay the players and pay the 正确的s that they pay downstream, 但是他们将会开拓出能力, 你知道, say beyond mobile direct to consumer or be on connected TVs direct to consumer and monetize those things separately kind of the same way entertainment companies have content licensing windows based on time.

埃里克:   确定.

Braxton:       但我认为这就是大品牌将会发生的事情. I think that smaller brands, they're already going direct, 你知道, OTT. Tennis Channel is an example of one that is a smaller niche but very passionate fan base and there they have a paid, 你知道, 奥特服务, 我想我们会看到很多这样的事情发生, 你知道, because they don't have the same sort of long deals and the need to have a multibillion dollar licensing deal .

埃里克:   对,对. 现在, you mentioned earlier about the availability of these kinds of services internationally and Clearleap is an international company. 还有其他市场吗?, 我能想到一两个, that are ahead of the US on the availability and the uptake of these kinds of services. 它们是什么,你在那里看到了什么?

Braxton:        你知道, 有趣的是,几乎所有其他国家都领先于美国, 这是大多数人不知道的. The pay TV penetration in the US 是世界上最高的吗, but I think that's what kept programmers from going direct to consumer because A) there's leverage that the operators have but B) there's a smaller addressable market if 80 percent of the population is pay TV. 但是如果你看看北欧地区, HBO在一年前就直接面向消费者了, 付费电视的普及率为50%或更低, so that addressable market for OTT is huge as a percentage of the total population. 如果你是一个内容所有者, 你必须做OTT, 否则, 你错过了一大批消费者. 我认为北欧可能是最先进的国家之一. 一些GDP高的亚洲市场, 高宽带普及率, 付费电视普及率相对较低, 你会比我们在美国早一两年看到OTT, and what I find interesting is they're coexisting with the existing business models.

埃里克:   正确的.

Braxton:        他们在做认证, 他们在做TVE, 经过身份验证的国营电视台, but they're going direct to consumer and everybody seems to be okay with that.

埃里克:   对,对. 完全. 非常感谢,布拉克斯顿. 我和Clearleap公司的布拉克斯顿·贾拉特谈过了. 我是Eric Schumacher-Rasmussen, NAB 2015结束.

Braxton:        谢谢你!.



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年轻人和老年人观看OTT内容的方式不同, with younger viewers more comfortable with smaller screens and login sharing.