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How Lightstream Makes Live Streaming Production Work in the Cloud

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Stu Grubbs: What Lightstream is is an entirely cloud-native live video production studio, and architecture. So, 它本质上是在一端, 一个基于浏览器的制作工作室,你可以进去, drag and drop, go live, and you don't need to understand everything that everyone in this room understands about how to make video on the internet to start creating content, but then we make that entire architecture available via an API, 所以先进的生产者, other companies like LiveU can extend their platform with our cloud compositing services. I think that's the big difference between us and other things is that we don't simply route video we receive, 你实际上可以在云端操作它, and, instead of bringing it back down to make any changes that you might need. So, I can stop there for any questions but I have some examples of how that gets used too.

[Audience Member] Yeah, yeah, and I understand one of your examples is outside sports world, right, 你在音乐制作方面做了很多工作.

Stu Grubbs: Yeah, a little bit. In Chicago, we had a couple music venues approach us thinking we were a production company, 不是一家软件和技术公司, but I thought the problem set was interesting and so I offered to do it in my spare time, and 所以我们最后做的是 was setting up live streaming for some of these venues where they would live stream the opening acts of an event that evening, 试图把它传到Facebook上看, on their page, for the venue, say hey, 这就是今晚要发生的事, 这里有一个小的尝试, 然后他们会说,嘿, 溪水会在晚上九点切断.m. If you wanna see the headliners, you should make your way into the venue. 这是我们第一次这么做, we went in, 会场做出了各种各样的承诺, 我们一上线, people couldn't process credit cards faster than four or five minutes, turns out they had the entire POS system on the same network that we were live streaming on, so we brought down, 我们真的把整个房子都推倒了. So that, so that was when I threw up my phone as our first cellular streaming experience, was me throwing up a hotspot and blowing through my data plan. We had a... 真的很简单,老实说. 我们在Lightstream做什么, we work with thousands of creators that are working on an individual basis. 这些人都背着背包. Everybody else up here does a far more advanced and higher production levels.

What we're trying to do is make it accessible for the individual creator that's doing this for a number of different reasons, 所以我自己的设置非常简单. It was a very simple Canon camera with an XLR input off the soundboard, 我通过埃尔加托摄像头连接上了, 放进我的一台小笔记本电脑里, 我想那时我决定经营在线商学院, 因为我们觉得应该就地取材, 所以我们最后做的是, 这种进步在哪里, 第一天晚上,我用自己的手机作为热点, 这对我的账单不太好, but, the next time was when I was introduced to some friends over at LiveU, 我们最终成就了今天的我们, so, up and out of the venue, 这是我们的主要目标. How do we get this camera feed and the sound at a high quality level, 走出这个充满挑战的环境, and into the cloud? And then somebody, even me, even my phone, but we, 我家里有人, one of my co-founders, 能登录我们的东西吗, see my feed, add on all the alerts, overlays, 还有你想加的东西, 但他没有把我的视频传送下来, he was sending those instructions into our cloud video engines, 这些是在哪里合成的,然后切换场景.

我们所建立的其中一个好处是, 我时不时会失去信号,就因为, 如果你们有人去过芝加哥的话, 大多数场馆都是非常古老的建筑, 即使是细胞键也很难通过, 但当我往下走的时候,我们实际上保持, 我们的云视频引擎实际上是实时直播的, 等着我重新联系, 这样我们就能生产了, 但我们的首要目标永远是, 尤其是对于个人创作者来说, I think you guys, 我不知道你是否见过达斯·瓦尔迪兹?

达斯有时会用我们的东西. 他搞了个太空语言学院, where he does live streams of a lot of the rocket launches, 他在现场直播,他有点, 它几乎是Twitch上的一个教育流, if that makes sense, 所以他在场馆周围做巡回演出, 我们在中途岛号上和他一起工作, 他在船里徘徊, and of course, as a big steel ship does, cut off all signal, 但他的流能够保持活跃, 仍然和他的听众交流, didn't go away, 信道没有中断, 他一走出飞船, 达斯又重新解释了一下, and so that's, but yeah, as small streamers, 我们的首要目标是得到, get the video, get the content, 起身离开你所在的地方,这很有挑战性, 并尝试将产品保存在云中, 别再把它弄下来了.

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