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Apps like Facebook Live are giving organizations the impression that they should be able to stream a webcast to their entire organization in real time from a mobile phone. 你愿意拿你的职业生涯来赌这个吗? 可能不是. “事实是,Facebook确实是最好的选择. 我上过很多被切断的Facebook直播. 当这种情况发生在企业时,你就失败了,”流媒体行业顾问表示 尼科凯伦.

而消费者应用程序一直影响着企业, 企业有自己的特定需求. This year’s look at enterprise video trends is an opinionated walk through the topics our experts agree are top-of-mind. 他们偶尔意见一致,但很多时候意见不一致. Only one expert mentioned redundancy, and that was in passing, so that seems to be table stakes.

“流媒体已经变得更具战略性,”他说 安迪•霍华德霍华德的创始人兼董事总经理 & 的同事. “我认为在大多数组织中, 大部分的使用仍然是内部的, 但如果你想想5年后, 我认为大多数将来自外部. 你开始谈论视频确实影响了你的销售, 你的收入, 你如何与你的客户打交道, 以及客户服务.”

在它的“2015年企业视频发展现状“报告, 创作 noted the most popular uses for video was either external (82 percent) or internal training (80 percent), 市场营销(77%), 用户生成内容(75%), 高管沟通和会议的报道(74%). 不管你制作的是什么类型的内容,这里有10件事需要考虑.

1. 用例和供应商对话

“我认为IT部门面临的最大挑战之一, 业务单位, and consumers of enterprise video is the desire and naivete that there is a one-size-fits-all solution out there. 没有两个网络是相同的, 所以, 没有单一的解决办法,西蒙·鲍尔说。, 纳斯达克数字媒体解决方案副总裁. “I think you need to understand your use case and adopt the right mechanism for delivering against those use cases.”

鲍尔表示,现场直播、专业制作的内容是纳斯达克的核心重点. 投资者关系是最常见的内容, though the company has several other common uses cases: 1) an informal meeting of a group of people in a room (which may be interactive); 2) an informal presentation to a medium-sized group possibly across a couple of locations (which may be interactive); 3) a formal presentation from a senior executive to all employees; and 4) a presentation to an outside audience that is also delivered behind the firewall.

“以(实时)财报电话会议为例, 例如, 公司可能希望向投资者提供(信息), 对他们的员工也是如此,鲍尔说。. “企业沟通本身就存在挑战. Is my network capable of that much data being transferred around it to allow people to view it in video or sometimes even in audio? 我有合适的软件吗, 桌面构建, 浏览器版本, 以及网络拓扑结构来应对这种情况?”

Another use case that several experts mentioned involves presenters in different geographical locations. 这里的关键是提要的协调. “A lot of people [at other organizations] are now using their video conferencing equipment as inputs into streaming events. 特别是对于房间系统, 它变成了一个拥有良好照明的远程工作室, 相机, 和音频,霍华德说。. “We typically recommend to customers to bring their content back to a central production studio and then distribute it out from there. 这创造了一个非常可重复和一致的过程.”

Identifying use cases gives you the basis for conversations with vendors about how to create the best solution for your particular environment. McLane says some of the things you should talk about include the capacity testing the vendor has done, 安全和身份验证特性, 故障转移率, 哪些方面可以虚拟化, 他们有什么证据证明他们的资产是虚拟的. 她说:“重要的是要了解这些要求是什么以及为什么。. “当你面试供应商时,你必须说,‘你们今天能做什么?因为这就是你将要面对的现实.”

2. 最佳犬种

“不同的人使用不同的技术做不同的事情,”霍华德说. “The marketing department may have contracted with one particular vendor that’s more focused on the external delivery, whereas the corporate communications folks may have been working with a vendor to do more of the internally focused distribution. I think there’s going to be an intersection of these things 所以me of the providers that are more focused on the external stuff are starting to try to move into the internal distribution and vice versa.

“许多供应商已经开始推出所有这些端到端解决方案——编码器, 管理软件, 流媒体服务器, 分发服务器, 及cdn(内容传送网络). 你可以从一家供应商那里得到所有这些,如果你的员工有限,这是很好的。”霍华德说.

尽管如此,霍华德说他更喜欢同类最佳的方法,从多个供应商那里买东西. 他说:“api可以很容易地将这些部分组合在一起. “Then if you need to change a piece you can, but you don’t have to change the whole environment. Find the production tools that make the most sense; find an encoding tech that is best-of-breed that can grow; find a 管理软件 you like.您的软件选择部分取决于您现有的基础设施, but now you can also look at your vendors with a critical eye to ensure they are supporting the formats and features you need.

3. 内容制作

There are two primary types of enterprise content: professionally produced material and user-generated content (UGC). Both have their place, but it’s the quality of the message that determines whether people watch. 尽管如此

think this goes without saying, it’s vital to make sure your audience can hear well-produced audio. 几位专家表示,他们仍在努力应对音频质量差的内容. 马特·考尔德, 微软在线学习的资深内容开发者, 他说,在他的职业生涯中,他不得不提醒人们好的音频的重要性. “我们用其他语言提供的许多内容实际上是在我们的子公司创建的. 我们花时间记录如何建立一个好的工作室, 下面是你如何设置你的灯光, 确保你有好的音频,考尔德说。. 最大的问题是, 虽然技术进步了, the human part of the equation is still based on providing solid advice on best practices for production. “随着工具变得更容易使用,技能并不一定随之而来.”

Ball says that while technology has made it vastly easier to create content on desktop and mobile devices, 有些时候需要专业人士, 高产量装置. “我们可以引入生产价值,”鲍尔说. 这意味着首席执行官光线充足,看起来很好, 并使用具有良好背景的高质量图像. 它“看起来很专业,就像你在电视上看到的那样,”鲍尔说.

4. 上线?

“I don’t think there are very many organizations out there that don’t want to have their executive management team being able to talk to their employees over video,霍华德说。. “这是一个非常受欢迎的应用程序.“接受本文采访的每个人都表示,他们会现场举行全体会议, 但有一家公司看了他们的分析,决定做一些改变.

“There’s still a lot of emphasis on live and especially when somebody’s first coming in to do enterprise-level streaming. 首席执行官希望与所有人交谈。 塔尔顿家马克他是雷神公司网络广播服务经理. “我认为你这样做的时间越长,你就越会意识到观众 ... 更喜欢视频点播.”

而不是进行长达一小时的市政厅会议, Raytheon would take that same bit of content and split it up into 5- or 10-minute sessions and present a new video on-demand once a day, 在哪里可以反复宣传,让人们更倾向于观看. 结果是:“一个企业, 当他们第一次这么做的时候, 他们的收视率上升了400%,塔尔顿说。.

5. 云

“将内容管理或媒体管理放到云端是一项重大举措. 它使设置和部署变得更加容易,因此他们可以接触到更广泛的客户,霍华德说。. “现在, 管理和原始流媒体服务器正在向云端移动, 这是全面的. 原因是,没有. 1:它使设置和部署变得更加容易,因此他们可以接触到更广泛的客户. No. 2 .如果你对外发布了大量内容, then it makes a lot more sense to make those users access a cloud-based system rather than coming into your organization to access internal servers.”

而外部关注的内容可能更适合云计算, 当涉及到内部内容时, 人们仍然持健康的怀疑态度. “安全一直是一件大事. 能够加密内容[很重要]. A lot of enterprises are very nervous about their sensitive internal content being out in a cloud-based system, 但我认为,随着时间的推移,人们会越来越适应这种环境,霍华德说。. “如果你仔细想想,你的销售团队 .Com在云端,那是你的客户信息. 如果你用的是Office 365,你的电子邮件和通讯都在云端. As long as the company and your providers can describe how they’re going to secure your content, 我认为,随着时间的推移,人们会越来越适应这一点.”

All the companies interviewed for this article have said they’re considering the cloud but have yet to move there, 除了微软, 出于可伸缩性的考虑,哪家公司迁移到了云端. “但这不仅仅是视频的可扩展性,而是所有系统的可扩展性. 我们已经把所有东西都搬到云端了, 然后我们把它转移到云的多个实例上,考尔德说。.

其余的受访者则更为谨慎. “当你开始关注云计算并把东西放在边缘时, 你开始关注安全问题. 这是我们面临的最大障碍. 将内容挂在云中,然后相信提供商是安全的. 通过云进行直播, 这是一个延伸,艾伦·塔迪夫说, 保德信金融的技术专家.

所以我们的梦想就是把一切都虚拟化, 而是因为云服务的本质, 它将责任分散得如此之薄,以至于当事情出错时很难修复. 在网络直播的背景下,没有多余的时间.

“对于某些组件,如数据库和实际的流媒体服务器, 直到今天,虚拟化这类服务仍不是最佳实践, 那些需要99的人.99%的SLA(服务水平协议)正常运行时间,”McLane说. “在某些方面,尤其是在直播中,不值得冒险. 如果您有专用服务器, 您可以保证百家乐软件将可用于您的直播流. The only place where you can go and do virtualization or cloud-based stuff is when you have an enterprise that also provides content externally. 外部云的成本效益要高得多.”

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


看看在公司环境中提供视频的各种方法, 包括无线网络, WebRTC, 软件定义网络, 以及软件定义的企业内容交付网络


Security, mobility, formats, and location lead the list of considerations when choosing an EVP. 以下是如何购买和测试解决方案.


平衡安全需求与员工在工作中使用自己设备的愿望, enterprise video delivery platforms are more than just a pale imitation of consumer platforms.
