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保德信, 英特尔, 甲骨文 Talk Enterprise Live Video Events

In a panel discussion at the recent 流媒体 East conference in New York City, live event streaming experts from 保德信, 英特尔, 甲骨文 taught the audience how it's done. The panel first tackled the subject of audience expectations, what success looks like for live event streaming.

"There's a limited amount of bandwidth, we're really dictated by the edge,艾伦·塔迪夫开始问道, technical specialist at 保德信. "That's the least amount, the lowest common denominator on our network. With that limited bandwidth you're constrained to about 300k to 500k. 你没有高清. While the people who produce this content want their pictures to look great and really put some lipstick on the pig, if it's not going down those pipes it's not going to reach the end points that it needs to. My group is responsible for getting the CEO message out. We used to have a satellite network. We don't have a satellite network anymore, so we don't go to TVs. 我们只上网, so it's very important -- so it's mission critical that the CEO's message gets out to everybody."

Adding some humor to the topic was 韦恩·沃特曼, network and system engineer for media and distribution at 英特尔.

"Flawless execution is a word that lots of people like to bandy about. 在现场活动制作中, flawless means the audience didn't notice what went wrong," said Waterman with a smile. "Managing the expectations of the clients on how many people are going to be there -- because they always expect more than they're going to get, how many people have problems, one of the ways that I make certain that success is well-defined is letting people know how to communicate the problems that they have. You put in the troubleshooting link so people can self-help. You put in the email link so they can write to the webcast team. You put in the number for tech so they can check things, they still email the executive and say 'I can't connect.'"

For much more on live event streaming in the enterprise, watch the full video below.

Live Video Events in the Enterprise

From a town hall discussion with the CEO to a geographically disperse team meeting, live video events in the enterprise have a positive effect on employee engagement and save time and money. Learn from experts in corporate communications, 活动策划, technology support about best practices in planning, 执行, measuring live video events. Questions include setting the sponsor's expectations, preparing the venue to make the event "TV appealing," best practices in coordinating event producers with broadcast producers, conducting a successful and "blame-free" lessons-learned meeting.

主持人: 帕蒂帕金斯, Internal Communications Solutions Team Leader, Wells Fargo
发言人: 大卫Stravach, Technical 生产商, Corporate Communications, United States Postal Service
发言人: 艾伦Tardiff, Technical Specialist, 保德信
发言人: 托尼Sehgal, Senior Manager, Digital Media Operations and Infrastructure, 甲骨文
发言人: 韦恩·沃特曼, Network and System Engineer, Media and Distribution, 英特尔 Studios

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