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OTT领导力峰会 Preview: SVA on Streaming Video Piracy


Will 2019 be the year content owners are able to get tough with video pirates or will we see more tech solutions that curb—但 never quite solve—the problem? 在 OTT领导力峰会 at 流媒体西部, a panel of industry experts will examine the state of streaming piracy and explain what content owners can do to secure their assets. 杰森Thibeault, 流媒体视频联盟(SVA)执行董事, 将主持讨论, 所以我们请他预览一下.

流媒体:我们听说了很多新的盗版解决方案. 问题是解决了还是变得更大了?

杰森·蒂博:它肯定是越来越大了. 现在这个问题上有很多不同的观点, 尤其是在直播越来越多的情况下, and everyone is looking at how we might prevent increasing threats to live stream security. 这可能包括水印, 数字版权管理, 标记, 和其他, 更多手工流程, 以确保人们不会重播.

People with Kodi boxes seem to have no difficulty getting any content they want. 这个问题这个行业能解决吗?

不幸的是,现在不行. Many of the pirates streaming via Kodi boxes are located in Eastern Europe (think Ukraine, 波兰, 等.) and there is little content providers can do to shut them down. Sure, they can work with Interpol 和其他 local agencies, 但 it’s a real hassle. 当他们干掉一个,另一打就会冒出来. The technical challenges to prevent “stream leakage” are significant. 例如,您可以水印内容,数字版权管理它等., 但 if the pirate just puts a HD camera in front of the monitor and re-streams that, 目前还没有技术上的解决方案来阻止这种情况.

What steps are major studios taking to safeguard premium content?

好吧, content owners in general (not just studios) are starting to layer a lot of different operational and technological solutions together to create comprehensive security strategies. 例如, streamed content may go out with a watermark and 数字版权管理. The content owner may also be monitoring incoming IP requests for content (a very manual process; AI will make this better over time) to identify patterns of piracy. There are also other tweaks and configurations that can be made to better obfuscate and protect origin IP locations.

Are there solutions on the horizon that you believe will lead to strong results?

对区块链有一些探索, 但, 不幸的是, 它现在的架构方式, 它不适合大批量生产, low latency transactions (which is why the finance industry hasn’t adopted it yet). If that gets fixed, maybe blockchain can be used to authenticate players. 再一次。, even that doesn’t get around the issue of re-streaming with a HD camcorder… Right now, 对于内容所有者来说,监管盗版是非常困难的. 他们可以关闭大的, 但 savvy pirates are learning how to use the cloud against content owners. 例如, a pirate can easily setup an account using a small CDN (like CDN777) with a temporary email. 一旦CDN777收到删除通知, 如果他们遵守, the pirate simply switches to a different account and continues to re-stream.

It seems the only thing that’s really helped curb piracy is offering viewers access to content at a fair price. Is the industry spending money on the wrong things when it invests in anti-piracy technology?

好吧,是也不是. 总会有盗窃. No matter how cheap the content is, some people just refuse to pay when they can steal it. And the cost to implement lots of different security mechanisms and processes can be expensive. So, the content owner really just has to make a choice about HOW MUCH piracy they are comfortable with. I’m wondering, though, if content owners aren’t thinking broadly enough about how to combat piracy. 而不是试图阻止它, perhaps they should invest in the content experience and include features in their player (i.e., 交互性, 补充的内容, social engagement with actors in the content as it’s playing) that pirates can’t replicate. 我的意思是你不能窃取社交流,对吧? 如果内容所有者那样做, then perhaps people who might steal content would be swayed by a better experience they’d be willing to pay for. 盗版只会减少.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


令牌? 水印? 数字版权管理? Content owners try them all, 但 as of today there's no foolproof solution. Perhaps the way forward isn't with higher walls, 但 new experiences.


如果这个行业要继续创新, 成长, 并提供最佳的价值和质量的体验, then we need to stop building closed systems and move toward open-platform, 一流的基础设施解决方案.

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Sports Streaming Summit Now a Part of 流媒体西部 2018

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