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Live Streaming Summit: The.LAND Charts New Monetization Territory

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The Live Streaming Summit returns to Streaming Media West in Huntington Beach next month, 并将再次就这些问题进行为期两天的讨论, opportunities, and challenges that define live streaming today.

The program features sessions on live production in the cloud, maximizing resources in the field, live content at scale, social streaming, and the new OTT experience, 以及与Facebook Live产品经理马特·拉邦卡的炉边聊天. 它将于11月13日开幕,届时将由来自美国的演讲者讨论每个人都在思考的问题——如何将直播货币化 Adrenaline Garage, M2A Media, and Zype.

Moderating the session will be Christopher Roselli, CEO of The.LAND, 一个新的平台,将有影响力的人和品牌聚集在一起,合作创造新的收入机会. He spoke with us via email about The.LAND and his perspectives on monetizing live streaming. 

Streaming Media: The name of your panel is “Monetizing Live Streams.” In your experience, 内容发行商/平台需要解决哪些主要问题才能最大程度地实现内容盈利?

Christopher Roselli: At The.我们试图解决内容货币化的一些挑战. 我们认为盈利所面临的最困难的问题是如何定义所有权. 作为平台上的流媒体发布者,你如何真正控制你的内容? The platforms leverage your content for their own monetization, and most of the time they take the lion's share of the revenue. 更进一步说,目前的平台似乎对用户有很大的控制权. 面对现有平台(特别是社交媒体领域)存在的种种限制,, it's becoming more difficult to reach consumers.   

Additionally, 我们觉得目前特定平台的盈利很大程度上依赖于当前的广告模式. 我们相信观众已经厌倦了这种传统的广告方式. This may begin to effect monetization for publishers. At The.LAND, we've come up with a few different solutions for this.   

How is monetizing live content a different challenge from on-demand?

由于目前的广告模式,直播内容的货币化更具挑战性. A publisher can use a pay-per-view model, but a lot of the revenues are usually derived from advertising. 随着直播的兴起,有必要调整现有的盈利模式.  

向观众提供流媒体以外的东西——商品、体验等等——有多重要. — to successful monetization?

为用户创造一个360度的体验是非常重要的. 我们生活在一个观众想要更深入参与的时代. We need to provide an outlet for that without being intrusive. Merchandise is a great response, 但如果内容开始像广告一样,观众就会失去兴趣. The.LAND creates a culture in which publishers, content creators, 网红可以提供这种360度的体验,也可以通过产品创造自己的文化, services, and content. 这种超越流的更深层次的粘性充当了盈利的工具.   

How has The.LAND approached the monetization challenge?

The.LAND was founded on the principle of true digital ownership, 所以我们创造了一个地方,品牌和有影响力的人可以通过他们100%拥有的数字房地产来表达自己. When someone visits a LAND, they experience a rich, 无广告的体验完全是关于品牌或有影响力的人,这是以前从未有过的.

不像其他社交媒体网站,专注于通过联盟链接和广告盈利, 我们专注于与品牌的直接整合和合作,这样任何人都可以给他们打上标签. 这使我们能够为消费者提供一种体验,他们可以在不离开the的情况下观看一段内容并购买其中的产品.LAND. With an optimized checkout, consumers have one shopping cart for multiple platforms, brands, and products.  

它还使我们能够允许大大小小的影响者标记品牌和产品,并立即开始从他们拥有的受众中赚钱. No endorsement required. 让我们假设一个有影响力的人(例如:大卫·贝克汉姆)非常喜欢戴雷朋. Both Beckham and Ray-Ban are now able to monetize through his LAND. He can simply take a selfie, and we can enable the product to be “transact-able,雷朋现在可以通过贝克汉姆自己的零售商来追踪产品. In this environment, 无论大卫·贝克汉姆是否与雷朋公司签订代言协议,他都可以分享利润.

In addition to transaction enabled experiences, The.LAND offers an unprecedented level of data interpretation. 当其他社交平台聚集数据并向有影响力的人收取分析费用时,THE.LAND provides a detailed analysis of the journey.  

The.LAND enables everything to be connected in the digital ecosystem. As a fan, users can take journey through Diddy, venture through Snoop Dogg, and then to Martha Stewart. One post from an influencer (ex: DIDDY.LAND) opens up all other LANDs. 一旦用户点击帖子,他或她就进入了一个完全连接的数字环境. This data is collected and presented back to the LANDowner. 

As an empowerment platform, The.LAND’s gives an influencer, content creator, 或者品牌的能力,成为平台和零售商,同时通过社交媒体传播他们的文化. 

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