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Most live-event video production during COVID has rapidly accelerated the use of NDI output from popular conferencing tools such as Zoom and 微软团队, particularly for one-to-many broadcasts in which remote contributors are more the norm than the exception. While this article won’t explore the technical details of NDI video sources such as compression and resolution, it will explain how to enable NDI in Zoom and 微软团队 for higher-quality input sources into your live-streaming workflow.

(Note that Skype also enables NDI output quickly and easily from the application’s preferences. If you’re looking for a quick way to use free conferencing technology with your live-streaming workflow, 考虑Skype. Skype does, however, place a small Skype logo watermark in the corner of the NDI output.)


在我们进入微软团队和Zoom的NDI设置之前, let’s describe a typical live on-site event with one or more presenters physically present in the venue’s staging area. 如图所示 图1(下面), the video and audio feeds are created from camera and microphone capture on-site and are managed with a hardware or software video switcher.

图1. 典型的现场直播活动和流分布

But what do you do when you need to bring presenters who are not physically present into a live stream? 您有几个选项可供选择:

  1. 将整个活动保持在会议平台上. With this approach, you don’t use any traditional video-switching hardware or software. 您只需使用会议平台来主持活动, 包括所有的演讲者和参与者. 通常, this approach is done with a webinar format designed to allow hosts (or technical directors) to control the flow of the presentations, and participants have limited A/V input into the session and use mostly text chat to interact with presenters and hosts.
  2. Live stream the event from the conferencing platform directly to your streaming destination. This could mean streaming to YouTube, Facebook, or your own custom player embedded on a website. Zoom’s products enable you to stream directly to these platforms or your own Real-Time Messaging Protocol destination, 但其他平台可能没有这个功能.
  3. Capture the HDMI video output from a desktop or laptop computer with video-switching hardware or software. Depending on how much control you’d like to have over sources in the conferencing platform, 您可以为每个演示者(或屏幕共享)指定一台计算机。, 在会议应用程序中使用全屏选项. Each computer acts as a dedicated source you can control in your video-switching hardware or software. 要了解有关此选项的更多信息,请查看我的文章, 管理视频会议和网络广播的输入和输出.
  4. 启用会议平台的NDI输出. 在这个场景中, you assign each source in the conferencing platform to an input in your video switcher. 如前所述,NDI在微软团队和Zoom产品中可用. 我将在本文的其余部分更详细地探讨这个选项.


如果您(或您的现场活动客户)拥有Microsoft Office 365帐户, 很有可能你已经有机会参加微软团队会议了. 图2(下面) 展示了将微软团队与现场活动产品集成的工作流程.

图2. 微软团队与现场活动制作的集成

微软团队, 像Skype, 有一个容易启用的NDI功能, 但您确实需要管理员访问微软团队设置. 在撰写本文时,您可以 在这里访问会议策略.

默认策略(下面的图3)可能无法配置为NDI广播. 为组织中的每个人启用NDI广播, 单击“全局(组织范围默认)”策略.

图3. 微软团队会议的默认策略. 单击图像以查看其全尺寸.

在此策略中,向下滚动到“音频” & “视频”部分(下面的图4),并将“本地广播”选项调至“开启”.” (Admittedly, this option mentions NDI only in the 信息 icon rollover description.) After you have enabled this setting, scroll to the bottom of the policy page and click Save. Now you have enabled NDI broadcasting for your organization’s 微软团队 meetings.

图4. 全局(组织范围默认)策略的音频和视频设置. 点击图片查看完整尺寸.

虽然为组织中的每个人启用NDI是最简单的, your 微软团队 administrator may only want to enable the local broadcasting option for specific users who operate in a technical director capacity within the organization.

You should also check the 微软团队 application permissions for each presenter in the meeting. Open “Preferences (Mac)” or the Settings option in the “Settings and 更多的 …” menu next to your profile icon in the 微软团队 dashboard window (Windows). 在“应用程序权限”部分(下面的图5),启用NDI的生产能力开关.

图5. 微软团队的应用程序权限

When you’re in a 微软团队 meeting hosted by the organization that has enabled NDI broadcasting, you can start broadcasting live feeds from your meeting by clicking the 更多的 button in the top toolbar of the 微软团队 interface and choosing “Broadcast over NDI” in the menu (下面的图6). (Note that 微软团队 does not alert participants in a meeting that their audio and video are being broadcasted over NDI. Make sure all attendees are aware that their audio and video are being utilized for recording and/or streaming purposes.)

图6. 在微软团队的更多的菜单中的NDI广播选项

此时此刻, you should be able to shift to your NDI-enabled video-switching software (or hardware) and see the available NDI feeds. 微软团队 automatically creates an Active Speaker feed as well as individual feeds for any participant who has given permission for local broadcasting. 图7(下面) 以OBS为NDI源显示提要的方式显示提要.

图7. OBS中的NDI源设置显示微软团队源

根据您的会议布局,您可能还有其他可用的NDI提要. 屏幕共享将显示为单独的NDI源. 微软在这里列出了其他可以通过NDI获得的流.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


NDI runs the risk of fumbling the ball on the 20-yard line—squandering the nearly decade lead they have in IP video by not enforcing that licensees integrate all of the standard. I write this in the hope that they re-establish what the NDI standard means: that to license NDI, 并显示NDI徽章, 产品必须100%兼容.

Netgear M4250网络交换机

作为百家乐软件app最新版下载, 我们已经被期望提供摄像机方面的专业知识, 转换器, 在线直播, audio, 用过下法缠绕电缆. 我们现在如何掌握NDI的高级网管要求? 从Netgear M4250 AV系列交换机开始.


Activision Blizzard 的电子竞技 Director of 现场操作 Corey Smith discusses the roles NDI and SRT play in large-scale esports cloud production and streaming in this clip from 流媒体 Connect 2022.


暴雪公司董事, 现场操作, Global Broadcast Corey Smith discusses some of the roadblocks Blizzard has encountered when using NDI in cloud and remote workflows for gaming and esports in this clip from a panel at 流媒体 West 2021.


目前, 微软团队 and Skype for Business are the only two videoconferencing apps that support NDI. 我们已经围绕Teams构建了远程流媒体解决方案. 下面是它的工作原理.


许多人在NDI上投入了全部. 但是他们使用它的方式可能与你想要使用它的方式大不相同.