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We've explored many of the ways COVID-19 has brought streaming video to the forefront, from the OTT流媒体爆炸企业视频的成长 直播”检疫音乐会," 教堂服务, 在线学习. 有一件事我们还没有提到, 虽然, is how live streaming can play a pivotal role for retailers large 和 small to connect with their customers when those customers can't—or would just prefer not to—visit their favorite shops.

的首席执行官Daniel Mayer说 Be.生活, a platform that gives live streamers the ability to customize 和 b和 their streams to Facebook 生活, YouTube, 或者网页上的嵌入链接, 美国.S. 和 Europe is beginning to catch on to a trend that's already popular in Asia 和 Russia. "For 5 or 10 years, Russia has been operating around live shopping梅耶尔说。. “在中国, you're able to buy whatever you like using live shopping, [consumers] are spending tons of money supporting live shopping 和 influencers.

"We're watching how retailers all over the world, specifically in 美国nited States 和 Europe, are starting to use the live shopping feature that we have—the ability to show products on screen with the product description, 名字, 定价梅耶尔说。. 他说他.生活 has seen a 70x increase in the number of customers using its live shopping feature.

Be.生活目前提供两种定价水平. The free tier lets retailers stream up to three shows per month with up to two people on screen to YouTube or Facebook 生活 with a Be.视频中的实时水印. 标准套餐的价格是24美元.99元/月, 每月提供无限流, custom br和ing 和 appearance (with no watermark), 屏幕上最多有四个人, can simulcast to both YouTube 和 Facebook 生活. 不久,该公司还将提供专业计划, 这会增加更多的联播目的地, RTMP的输入, 和自定义RTMP目的地, in addition to all the features in the st和ard plan. Be.生活 also allows you to create scripts 和 an agenda to help you stay on track during your live stream.

And while retail closures due to COVID-19 were the impetus behind the move to live shopping, 梅耶尔认为这不是暂时的变化. "It's not a trend, we have to underst和 that," he says. "We should start underst和ing the definition of the 'new normal,' 和 not using live [streaming] in general is the biggest mistake for any business owner." Consumers want not just the ability to shop online, but the ability to have an experience 和 an interaction with an expert they trust—think visiting a record or bookstore 和 getting recommendations from the staff about what you might like. 生活 streaming gives retail owners the chance to not only make sales, but acquire new customers 和 build relationships 和 communities around their businesses.

So retailers 和 etailers should plan on going live soon, if they haven't already. Mayer has a few suggestions for how to do it right.


Sure, it's a cliché at this point, but if you're going on screen, don't try to be someone you're not. “你会感到尴尬的,对吧?梅耶尔说。. "But if you are presenting yourself as an authentic person, 无论如何都要活下去, 不管你的目的是什么, 不管你想说什么, you will engage with your customers 和 build relationships." Relationships are what build customer loyalty, the best way to establish a relationship is to have honest conversations with your customers 和 potential customers about everything from the products you're selling to the health concerns everyone is facing right now.


"Share something unique, some knowledge that only you have梅耶尔说。. "Based on that knowledge, you are able to gain credibility from the community." Don't just show them your products; show them something they don't know about the products or how to use them. 如果它适用于你的业务, demonstrate a skill or a process that your customers might not already have or know.


"If you don't have messaging or anything newsworthy to share, we are not just sitting there waiting on Facebook for your live show梅耶尔说。. “我们来这里是为了获取新知识. We are here to lean about new trends, something unique 和 special you're able to share with us. So create a small script for your show, respect your viewers 和 their time." Be.生活's agenda feature allows retailers to stay focused. 


While of course the ultimate goal is to get people to buy what you're selling, that begins with having a conversation with your audience. "It's like the moment you are entering a store梅耶尔说。. 销售人员开始和你说话, 现在你们要公开谈话了, that sales person can gain your confidence by listening to you 和 your concerns."


Once you find a time that works for you 和 seems to resonate with your customers, 每周在同一时间上线. "Going live every week on the same day at the same time is a fundamental key for success once you're live梅耶尔说。. "Your audience should remember that every Monday at 10 a.m. EST,你要直播了. 然后你的顾客就会等着你的表演了."

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