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In 2010, 历史上第一次, The Recording Academy (TRA) brought an unprecedented digital and social media experience to bear in celebration of the 52nd annual Grammy awards, 认识到乐迷发现, 分享, 并且以一种完全不同的方式消费内容. 参与式媒体战略利用了社交媒体参与的最佳元素, 写博客, web开发, 以及视频直播.

媒体的宣传活动围绕着 我们都是粉丝 website—created by agency TBWA\Chiat\Day as a new interactive fan experience—that featured portraits of Grammy-nominated artists composed entirely of real-time, 由于YouTube, 推特, Flickr, 和Facebook上的帖子. 这些媒体资产也包括在在线广播中. 电视、印刷、户外和互动广告都支持并推动了网站的流量.

除了 to launching the first FanBuzz Visualizer (a real-time barometer of Grammy-nominated artists with the most social media buzz) and the 我们都是粉丝 ad campaign, 格莱美的iPhone/iPod touch应用程序连续第二年推出. 超过18万用户下载了这款应用.

Grammy Live—a robust experience leveraging the power of streaming technologies to provide a deeper fan experience with the Grammys—is a 72-hour participatory online broadcast featuring live video, 照片, 博客和微博, 官方新闻报道, 以及三位移动格莱美视频博主的个性化更新. 在电视直播之外,世界各地的粉丝们还观看了从未见过的格莱美奖片段, 格莱美独家镜头, 格莱美周各种活动的现场报道, 还有额外的幕后镜头. 这与红毯覆盖的电视转播相辅相成, 后台采访, 与获奖者的独家合影, 以及新闻发布会的采访.

在线活动庆祝活动于1月1日开始. 29, 颁奖典礼前两天, 由CNN在格莱美博物馆主办的TRA社交媒体摇滚明星峰会. 这是一场由包括皮特·卡什莫尔(Pete Cashmore)在内的社交媒体开拓者参与的小组讨论, Nikhil Chandhok, 大卫·卡普, 凯文·罗斯, and Jared Leto along with an online and studio audience that spotlighted the intersection of music and the digital space.
格莱美现场直播在www上包含了72小时的连续直播视频报道.格莱美奖.1月6日,在Myspace上播放了6个小时的视频. 30-31),在WWW上播放6个小时.哥伦比亚广播公司.com(简. 31). 有3个.800万独立访问者访问了该网站,观看了超过100万的直播.500万次视频点播播放. 在3天的时间里,他们总共观看了超过14万小时的视频. 在总, viewers consumed more than 3 million plays of the live stream plus all video-on-demand clips on Grammy Live and www.格莱美奖.com.

The Recording Academy provided millions of fans in more than 150 countries behind-the-scenes access with roaming live coverage using four LiveU Ltd. field packs at various Grammy 事件s including the MusiCares Person of the Year honoring Neil Young, 表彰伦纳德·科恩的特别优异奖, 提名酒会, 由克莱夫·戴维斯主持的格莱美前晚会和向行业偶像致敬,向道格·莫里斯致敬, and the Grammy Pre-Telecast ceremony in addition to exclusive behind-the-scenes coverage of official Grammy celebration after-party.

活, 格莱美电视直播前的在线流媒体产生了200多个,000个独立的观众在WWW上.格莱美奖.com和TRA联合合作伙伴——这是2009年的四倍多. 加上视频点播播放,它的观看次数达到了32.8万次. 50人以上,在颁奖典礼前的一个月里,格莱美网站注册用户达到了1000人.

除了, TRA's official YouTube channel posted impressive numbers with the Lady Gaga 我们都是粉丝 pre-事件 promotional spot surpassing 2.仅在活动当天就有100万的浏览量, as well as rising to the 27th most-viewed video in the music category and the 30th most-viewed video overall.

在近乎实时的在线广播中, 现场视频资产从断线处取走, 用Turbo系统转换成视频点播文件, 然后导出并上传到WWW.格莱美奖.com. 结果是, Taylor Swift's Pre-Telecast acceptance speech garnered more than 1 million video-on-demand views alone, 麦克斯韦的电视直播前演讲获得了令人印象深刻的205分,000人在24小时内完成. The official Grammy YouTube page had more than 6 million views within the weeks following the 事件. 到目前为止, the collective streams from all syndicated partners elevated this number to more than 12 million views for the online experience.


与此形成鲜明对比的是, 哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)的格莱美奖(Grammy Awards)电视直播比2009年增长了35%,观众人数达到2500万, 创下了自2004年第46届格莱美奖以来的最高收视率. 随着成功的电视转播数字,网络流量在www.格莱美奖.com also showed a significant increase over previous years both leading up to the 事件 and throughout the year. The historic digital media distribution strategy was partially credited with driving a record increase in viewership of the CBS broadcast.

在电视转播期间, Grammy Live allowed users to have a dual-screen viewing experience by mirroring the CBS broadcast with corresponding content blocks selected from the rich archives of The Recording Academy. 例如, 在迈克尔·杰克逊的终身成就奖颁奖典礼上, the online broadcast featured acceptance speeches from the music legend dating from his first award with the Jackson 5.
跟随演出, the music industry once again benefited from the "Grammy Effect" when Grammy performances made available on iTunes took six of the top 10 positions on the video download chart the week after the show.


The digital media team at The Recording Academy partnered with the most progressive online broadcast companies and leveraged the best of both open source and proprietary technologies to deliver a cohesive, 令人兴奋的, 为WWW的重新上线提供更丰富的用户体验.克我.新推出的格莱美iPhone/iPod touch应用程序,以及格莱美直播. Technology partners included AEG Digital Media Group; Akamai Technologies; Diversion Media; LiveCast Media, 公司.; LiveU Ltd.; Lullabot; NeoSpire, 公司.; Ooyala, 公司.; Reliam, 公司.,由Simplynew为格莱美现场提供创意和执行制作.

联合合作伙伴包括Myspace、CNN、CBS和YouTube. For Grammy coverage, updates, and breaking news, TRA used the social networks 推特 and Facebook. Facebook also provided an exclusive behind-the-scenes experience backstage during the awards show itself. 展会期间的推特报道针对提醒和艺术家的推文进行了优化, 这些都被纳入了格莱美现场直播.
The Grammys' innovative blogger program set the bar high by allowing a handful of past Best New Artist winners and current Best New Artist nominees, 包括扎克布朗乐队, 何塞菲, 凯莉·安德伍德, 和乔迪·沃特利, 从提名到电视直播,他们的精彩经历都在博客上记录下来. 其他参与者包括第52届格莱美奖的官方艺术家, Shepard Fairey (creator of the Barack Obama "Hope" poster); Rolling Stone contributing editor, 赫芬顿邮报的博主, and Emmy-nominated TV and Grammy writer David Wild; and a variety of genre-specific music bloggers.

AEG数字媒体为直播提供了完整的技术管理. AEG Digital Media provided access to its industry-leading engineering 设施 featuring an extensive HD encoding farm, 广播质量控制室, 专业编辑套件, 以及近乎实时的捕获和上传设施, 视频点播发布. AEG数字媒体的专业制作人员提供持续的技术制作咨询, 设施, 以及在这个改变行业的活动的各个方面的专业知识.

Ooyala, 与Akamai合作, provided adaptive bitrate live streaming through Adobe Flash and the ongoing content management system, 目前该网站的视频内容是由谁提供的. The player was engineered to allow for specific Grammy updates to be incorporated via Drupal across the website.

美国唱片学院数字媒体副主席, 彼得·安东, 谈到这个倡议, “我们开始在数字领域建立强大而引人入胜的存在, and the multiple other ambitious initiatives we are rolling out represent just the beginning of a life-size mosaic in the digital world. 我们希望在格莱美上为音乐爱好者提供与格莱美品牌更高层次的互动.com, and across our social media channels including new and 令人兴奋的 digital applications that they've never before experienced, 从而产生更有意义的联系."

作为格莱美现场节目的执行制片人兼导演, Simplynew花了6个月的时间与录音学院团队(数字)合作, 市场营销/公关, 赞助, IT, 视频制作, 事件, 和电视委员会)来确定节目的创作方向, 确定并确保所需的技术伙伴关系, 获得赞助和联合合作伙伴, 制定编程时间表, 还有才华横溢的视频博主,他们出色地报道了所有的活动.

The success of the program continued with this year's 53rd Annual Grammy awards: Grammy Live was stronger and more vibrant than in its inaugural year. 我们从第一次演出中学到了很多, 作为一个现场制作的人, 自1995年以来的在线视频体验, I can say that if you don't approach an 事件 or property as a participatory media experience with multiple platforms intersecting and fueling one another in real time, 你不是在传授现代课程.

[Note: 流媒体 publishes vendor-submitted case studies such as this one based solely upon our assessment of their value to our readers.]

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


为格莱美奖准备9小时的现场报道需要一年的时间, 今年的观看次数是700万次. 以下是Akamai,所有移动视频数字媒体,和一个超过100人的团队是如何把它放在一起的.




用户现在可以从现场活动中显示多达9个摄像头角度, 每个流媒体都有独特的广告.
